- The Translator of Picturebooks and Multimodality. Between Postulates and Reality
Details zum Objekt: The Translator of Picturebooks and Multimodality. Between Postulates and Reality
Academic Journal of Modern Philology.
http://confluence.man.poznan.pl/community/display/FBCMETGUIDE - Title:
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oai:repozytorium.uni.wroc.pl:136129 ; https://doi.org/10.34616/ajmp.2022.18.7 ; ; - Language:
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- License: ; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/pl/deed.en ;; https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/pl/deed.pl
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Zusätzliche Informationen
- Erstellungsdatum: 2023-01-03
- Zuletzt geändert am: 2024-08-09
- Anzahl der Ansichten des Inhaltsobjekts: 81
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