- Use-wear and organic residues as evidence for perishable technologies: a case study of LBK sites in SW Poland (Gniechowice 2, Stary Zamek 2a)
Object's details: Use-wear and organic residues as evidence for perishable technologies: a case study of LBK sites in SW Poland (Gniechowice 2, Stary Zamek 2a)
Śląskie Sprawozdania Archeologiczne.
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oai:repozytorium.uni.wroc.pl:89876 ; https://doi.org/10.23734/ssa.2017.59.7.17 - Language:
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Additional information
- Creation date: 2018-08-30
- Last modification date: 2024-11-13
- Content object's number of views: 169
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See also
Manufacturing techniques and use
Creator:Diakowski, Marcin; Kufel-Diakowska, Bernadeta
Contributor:Płonka, Tomasz; Kowalski, Krzysztof; Kinecka, Anna
Problem użytkowania eneolitycznych grotów trzoneczkowatych w świetle materiałów z terenów Górnego i Dolnego Śląska
Creator:Kufel-Diakowska, Bernadeta; Bronowicki, Jarosław