- Wierność i władza, czyli polityka według Penelopy
Object's details: Wierność i władza, czyli polityka według Penelopy
Studia Erasmiana Wratislaviensia = Wrocławskie Studia Erazmiańskie : zeszyt naukowy studentów, dotorantów i pracowników Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego.
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- Creation date: 2016-11-08
- Last modification date: 2024-03-13
- Content object's number of views: 3766
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See also
Sfera sacrum i profanum. Święta Góra Athos
Creator:Chrisidu-Budnik, Agnieszka
Contributor:Korczak, Jerzy; Szreniawski, Jan
The use of visiual narrative in the myth of Philomela and Procne
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Teacher authority in People’s Republic of Poland: demands and reality
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Contributor:Jędrychowska, Barbara
Heracles and his actions in the works of Diodorus Siculus
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From a Professor’s Desk to a School Flag: Teachers Who Became Schools’ Namesakes (as in the eastern Wielkopolska region)
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Contributor:Jędrychowska, Barbara
Autorytarne prawa naturalne? Kilka uwag o negatywnym potencjale pozytywnych idei
Creator:Łuszczyńska, Małgorzata; Łuszczyński, Artur
Contributor:Maciejewski, Marek; Scheffler, Tomasz
Professor Danuta Koźmian – The Master
Creator:Magiera, Elżbieta
Contributor:Jędrychowska, Barbara
Changes in the Authority of the Father in the Polish Family in the Twentieth Century. The Interpretation from the Historical and Pedagogical Perspective
Creator:Śpica, Paweł
Contributor:Walasek, Stefania; Jurczyk-Romanowska, Ewa