@misc{Metelski_Adam_Zadowolenie_2019, author={Metelski, Adam}, copyright={Copyright by Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2023}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={E-Wydawnictwo. Prawnicza i Ekonomiczna Biblioteka Cyfrowa. Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Keeping fit and healthy should be at the forefront of all human values in the twenty-first century. Health has a decisive impact on the ability of a person to engage in any activity. Particularly in this context, it is worth to pay attention to physical activity. Inactivity is often combined with excessive body weight, and obesity is a systemic disease that also increases the risk of developing many other diseases. As a result, obesity, becoming a social disease, increases spending on health care, worsens the standard of living of sick people and increases mortality. The primary goal of this study was to determine whether physical activity is a factor of health and life satisfaction. To verify this assumption, a Social Diagnosis database was used. Based on the conducted analysis, it can be concluded that people practicing sport are more satisfied with their health and life than people not practicing sport}, title={Zadowolenie ze zdrowia i z życia osób aktywnych fizycznie}, keywords={health, life satisfaction, physical activity, sport}, }