@misc{Foks_Robert_Polska_2018, author={Foks, Robert}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Instytut Studiów Międzynarodowych Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The author of the article presents an outline of Polish foreign policy in the area of Polish-Russian relations, carried out by the government of Beata Szydlo (16 Nov 2015 r.-11 Dec 2017). The work presents diagnoses concerning the influence of Russian policies on the international situation, as well as the security of Poland and its neighbourhood. It also discusses conceptual assumptions of Polish policy towards Russia contained in Polish strategic documents, realization of political ideas (in selected areas), instruments of communication between the Polish and Russian side during the analysed period and the}, type={text}, title={Polska polityka wobec Rosji w okresie sprawowania władzy przez rząd pod kierownictwem premier Beaty Szydło. Zarys zagadnienia}, keywords={Poland, Russia, Polish-Russian relations, international security, International Relations, eastern policy, NATO eastern flank, the European Union, sanctions, Eastern Europe, Ukraine}, }