@misc{Nita_Adam_Władcze_2018, author={Nita, Adam}, copyright={Copyright by Uniwersytet Wrocławski}, howpublished={online}, year={2018}, publisher={Uniwersytet Wrocławski. Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii}, language={pol}, abstract={The article analyzes the imperious and non imperious actions of themunicipality as a criterion of the value-added taxation. The authoremphasizes that the separation of these two spheres of the municipality activities is important due to the regulations shaping the construction ofthe value added tax. Therefore, in the article theoretical and normativeconsiderations were based on the imperious and non imperious activitiesof the municipality, tax consequences of the dual nature of legal relationsof the municipality – aspect of the value-added tax, as well as inconsistencyof the EU and national legal regulations – manifestations and proposalsfor solving the problem}, title={Władcze i niewładcze działania gminy jako kryterium opodatkowania podatkiem od towarów i usług}, keywords={imperious and non imperious actions of the municipality, value-added tax}, }