@misc{Pierzchała_Anna_W_2017, author={Pierzchała, Anna}, copyright={Copyright by Anna Pierzchała}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Zakład Historii Edukacji Instytutu Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={In Transactional Analysis six methodological elements of people’s relationships can be identified and described as “ways of time structuring”. They include: withdrawal, rituals, activities, pastimes, games and intimacy. These methods can be arranged along a continuum of commitment, but also the benefits that this form of contact offers. These gains are psychological and are based on one of the essential needs in life – the need of human contact. In the article, these assumptions have been attributed to the relationship on a family ground. The author points to the importance of all forms of contact in the family, especially focusing on games and intimacy. The former were defined as pathological, because they are insincere and based on manipulation. Intimacy – as it is understood in transactional analysis – is the most open and involved contact with another person. Therefore, it could be recognized as the foundation of healthy relationships within the family system.}, type={tekst}, title={W okowach gry, czyli relacje rodzinne w perspektywie koncepcji Trójkąta Dramatycznego Stephena Karpmana}, doi={https://doi.org/10.23734/wwr20172.103.113}, keywords={family, relations, transactional analysis, games, intimacy, Drama Triangle, Winner's Triangle}, }