@misc{Kowalczyk_Danuta_The_2017, author={Kowalczyk, Danuta}, copyright={Copyright by Danuta Kowalczyk}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={Zakład Historii Edukacji Instytutu Pedagogiki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={The subject of the considerations is problems pertaining to rearing, which are connected with legal proceedings in cases of family conflicts. Conflicts are an inescapable element of the life of people in groups. They do, however, present a threat to the stability of family environment when the relationships between members of the group are disturbed. In the situation of an impossibility of obtaining a satisfactory agreement, they decrease the sense of satisfaction with the quality of formed relationships. At the same time they negatively affect the fulfilling of the functions of the family, especially the emotional and socializing ones. The child remaining in such an environment is exposed to an improper process of social adjustment. It is particularly evident when the child becomes involved in conflicts between the parents. In the public sphere, a number of institutions function which provide help to families in various crisis situations. When their support turns out to be insufficient and does not lead to solving a conflict in the family, then habitually it ends at the court. Settling conflicts by way of legal means does not necessarily result in breaking family bonds. The court has at its disposal means and auxiliary organs to stop the disintegration processes which appear in this most significant rearing environment. It suffices to point to the more and more popular reaching for the institution of mediation in cases dealing with family. Normalizing relations within the family is vital from the viewpoint of a child’s needs, its development and rearing in the biological environment.}, title={The pedagogical dimension of judicial settling of family conflicts}, type={tekst}, keywords={family conflicts, child, court, legal proceeding, rearing}, }