@misc{Błażewski_Maciej_Elektroniczna_2017, author={Błażewski, Maciej}, copyright={Copyright by Maciej Błażewski}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2017}, publisher={E-Wydawnictwo. Prawnicza i Ekonomiczna Biblioteka Cyfrowa. Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={pol}, abstract={Electronic social participation means consulting with citizens and other stakeholders. These consultations are conducted by the administration of local and national government. The development of electronic participation is differentiated on international and national level, as exemplified by different ways of obtaining opinions by public administration authorities in Poland and Germany. The effectiveness of electronic social participation depends on the type of electronic communication means used and the extent of transparency, including dissemination of information of consultation and it’s results.}, title={Elektroniczna partycypacja społeczna na przykładzie Polski i Niemiec}, keywords={e-government, electronic communication means, public consultation, local government}, }