@misc{Białowąs_Michał_Offer,_2015, author={Białowąs, Michał}, copyright={Copyright by Michał Białowąs}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2015}, publisher={Biblioteka Uniwersytecka we Wrocławiu}, language={pol}, abstract={The article initially discusses the significance of full texts remote accessibility in the Internet. Next, it presents the databases offered by the University Library, both those accessible within the Virual Library of Science (which also includes the Humanities), the ones purchased under Wrocław University Library's own license, and via open access portals (such as DOAJ). The access to the databases, both from the University's website and through proxy server is then characterized together with the possibilities and tools used to search them. What follows is a presentation of updating information methods about online resources offered by Wrocław University Library (list A-Z). In the final part, the article briefly discusses the user's advantages of electronic resources and offers a forecast of electronic resources collections development.}, title={Offer, access, and use of electronic journals}, doi={https://doi.org/10.23734/73.16.012}, keywords={A-Z list of electronic journals, full-text online access, full-text electronic publications, electronic journals, databases}, }