@misc{Lewandowska_Bianka_Selected_2014, author={Lewandowska, Bianka}, copyright={Copyright by Bianka Lewandowska}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2014}, publisher={Department of Psychology, University of Wrocław}, publisher={http://www.psychologia.uni.wroc.pl www.psychologia.uni.wroc.pl}, publisher={Publishing House eBooki.com.pl}, publisher={http://www.ebooki.com.pl/ www.ebooki.com.pl}, language={eng}, abstract={A study of 41 patients was conducted in order to provide an empirical basis for cooperation between a psychologist and a support group of patients with endometriosis. Our aim was to identify psychological variables which have a connection with the disease’s acceptance. The patients’ ages and duration of their illness were taken into account. We demonstrated that there is a positive relationship in accepting the illness through: perceived control and the ability to reduce pain, a declared ability to cope, a sense of harmony with one’s body, and disclosure of negative emotions - mostly anger and sadness. A significantly negative association was shown for: the disease’s duration, coping style with stress concentrating on the emotions, alienation from the body, and “catastrophizing”. Preference for the form of psychological support was also studied. Most preferred were: physician communication training, and individual consultations with a psychologist.}, title={Selected conditions for endometrial acceptance and preferred forms of psychological asistance}, type={text}, keywords={endometriosis, acceptance of the disease, chronic illness, coping, body experience}, }