@misc{Koczan_Marcin_Historia_2022, author={Koczan, Marcin and Winnicki, Zdzisław J.}, copyright={Copyright by Institute of International Studies of the University of Wrocław}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={GAJT Wydawnictwo 1991 s.c.}, language={pol}, abstract={The history of political and legal doctrines is classified as a legal subject. These subjects constitute a group of didactic content within the program of International Relations, next to International Political Relations and International Economic Relations. The subject emerged at European Law Faculties at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries from Philosophy of Law and Theory of State and Law as a formative subject.This publication is the result of many years of teaching experience. It is a mature form of a guide to the lecture given by Zdzisław J. Winnicki and Marcin Koczan. We are deeply convinced that reading this publication will help students to orientate themselves in the stages and reasons for the formation of European political and political concepts as part of the subsequent stages of shaping European views on the state, law, including the state system.}, title={Historia doktryn politycznych i prawnych (do XVIII wieku)}, type={text}, keywords={law, politics, legal doctrines, history of political thought}, }