@misc{Burski_Jacek_Wywiady, author={Burski, Jacek and Mrozowicki, Adam and Drabina-Różewicz, Aleksandra and Krasowska, Agata and Karolak, Mateusz and Czarzasty, Jan and Gardawski, Juliusz and Palęcka, Alicja}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, language={pol}, abstract={For access to files, please contact: Jacek Burski (jacek.burski@uwr.edu.pl), Adam Mrozowicki (adam.mrozowicki@uwr.edu.pl), Aleksandra Drabina-Różewicz (aleksandra.drabina-rozewicz@uwr.edu.pl)}, abstract={The research using the method of focus group interviews (FGI) was carried out with representatives of the following industries: logistics, education, health care and social assistance (assumed to be particularly vulnerable to the impact of the dynamics of pandemic changes in the field of work) from the Warsaw agglomeration and towns with less than 100,000 inhabitants in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship in the first and second quarter of 2022. The selection of interviewees for group interviews was purposeful, according to the established criteria taking into account the characteristics of individual industries. The FGI scenario covered the following issues: individual well-being before and during the pandemic; public policies in the face of the pandemic; selected dimensions of the workers situation in the labor market; changes in organizational and social working conditions; selected job quality dimensions; remote work experience and expectations; forecasts of changes after the pandemic crisis.}, type={dataset}, title={Wywiady grupowe - Baza wykonanych wywiadów focusowych (FGI) zrealizowanych z przedstawicielami branż: logistyki, edukacji oraz opieki zdrowotnej i pomocy społecznej (z założenia szczególnie narażonych na oddziaływanie dynamiki pandemicznych zmian w zakresie pracy) z terenów aglomeracji Warszawskiej i miejscowości poniżej 100 tys. mieszkańców w województwie Mazowieckim w I i II kwartale roku 2022.}, doi={10.34616/146583}, keywords={sociology of work, industrial relations, socio-economic consciousness, economic crisis, precarity, job quality, FGI research, COVID-19 pandemic}, }