@misc{Lazreg_Natalia_The_2022, author={Lazreg, Natalia}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, language={eng}, abstract={This study presents some of the results stemming from my research on picturebook translations for children and young adults in the context of multimodality, and in particular, the strategies used by translators of this specific type of multimodal message. The aim of the study is to determine whether translation scholars’ postulates on picturebook translation are reflected in reality. In order to determine this, I will investigate the choices of translators of this medium and their awareness of multimodality. I intend to conduct a series of individual in-depth interviews with picturebook translators. The first interview has already been conducted and analysed, and in this paper I present the results of this analysis. In the examples cited from the supporting material, it can be observed that the translator took into account the relationship between the textual and visual layers, changing the original text in accordance with the visual layer.}, type={text}, title={The Translator of Picturebooks and Multimodality. Between Postulates and Reality}, doi={https://doi.org/10.34616/ajmp.2022.18.7}, keywords={multimodality, children’s literature translators, picturebook, literary translation}, }