@misc{Duraj-Nowakowa_Krystyna_Kierunki_2022, author={Duraj-Nowakowa, Krystyna}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2022}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Naukowe EDUsfera}, language={pol}, abstract={The purpose of the study is to review pedeutological positions against changes in the education culture of future educators. The study method of writing and analysis of the materials obtained from there is used to identify the problem of cognition. We take as important support the results of observations of participating – longitudinally – from three, organizationally, levels of education of future educators. The result of the tasks undertaken is the arrangement of three issues solved issues without avoiding the difficulties of their lapidary but at the same time reasonable characterization. The difficulties, when viewed systemically, concern all the components of the overall approach to specificity the three types of rationale for changes in the academic culture of educators’ education.}, title={Kierunki zmian w kulturze kształcenia pedagogów. Deskrypcje i reinterpretacje}, type={text}, keywords={rationale for educating educators, goals of educating educators, changes in the culture of educating educators}, }