@misc{Guzy-Steinke_Halina_Norma_2021, author={Guzy-Steinke, Halina}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2021}, publisher={Wydawnictwo Naukowe EDUsfera. Ewa Jurczyk-Romanowska}, language={pol}, abstract={The paper presents the norm of reciprocity in the context of social sciences: philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, and religion. These sciences describe reciprocity as a moral standard tantamount to accepting obligations towards other people.Together with the emergence of obligations, the mechanism of reciprocity contributes to the creation of interpersonal ties, the feeling of duty, as well as the feeling of guilt. A specific situation of mutual exchange is a family where the basis for ties are moral feelings which generate the feeling of duty and mobilises people to make sacrifices. “Reciprocated voluntariness” is the basis for the unity of families}, title={Norma wzajemności w środowisku rodzinnym. Relacje dzieci z rodzicami w kontekście wzajemności}, keywords={reciprocity, family, duty, liability}, }