@misc{Rzymowska_Luiza_U_2013, author={Rzymowska, Luiza}, copyright={ Copyright by Luiza Rzymowska and Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego Sp. z o.o. Wrocław 2013}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2013}, contents={Wstęp 7 Rozdział I O istocie retoryki 14 Rozdział II Retoryka a język 38 Rozdział III Retoryka jako umiejętność naturalna osoby 56 Rozdział IV Retoryka a kultura 78 Rozdział V O istocie twórczości retorycznej 115 Zakończenie 133 Bibliografia 141 Summary 146 Indeks osób i postaci 148 Indeks terminów retorycznych 152}, language={pol}, abstract={The book The Sources of Knowledge of Rhetoric examines little known fragments of the most important — and unjustly trivialised today — sources of knowledge of rhetoric: primarily those by Aristotle, Cicero and Quintilian. An analysis of ancient theoretical works has enabled the author to reveal a surprisingly mature and profound understanding of the persuasion process at the beginning of codified rhetoric. The idea behind the book is to look for the essence of rhetoric, gradually recognised in five successive chapters as an art closely linked to interpersonal communication and constituting a creative output based on the unique predispositions of the orator. The Introduction refers to the understanding of rhetoric as a timeless art, drawing on the experience of human beings and cherished for its values: culture-creating and humanising. Communicating with other human beings is described by a reference to Karl Jaspers: it is the greatest human need in which is manifested the openness of the mind and its desire to learn the truth that goes beyond the boundaries of sciences.}, title={U źródeł pojmowania retoryki}, type={tekst}, keywords={rhetorics}, }