@misc{Brylak-Hudyma_Kamila_Roszczenie_2019, author={Brylak-Hudyma, Kamila}, copyright={Copyright by Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego, 2023}, address={Warszawa}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Wydawnictwo C.H. Beck}, language={pol}, abstract={The article discusses the problem of the author’s claim regarding an increase of remuneration in the event of a gross disproportion between the remuneration and the benefits of the acquirer of the author’s economic rights or the licensee which he gets from exploiting the author’s work. The regulation seems to be complicated, and the negligible case law practice is not conducive to dispel doubts as to the possibilities and scope of using it by the author. This article discusses, i.a. history, premises of application, views of the doctrine and existing case law of article 44 of the Act of 4.2.1994 on copyright and related rights.}, title={Roszczenie twórcy o podwyższenie wynagrodzenia}, type={text}, keywords={copyright, remuneration, claim, author, author's economic rights}, }