@misc{Skibicki_Rafał_Skutki_2019, author={Skibicki, Rafał}, copyright={Copyright by Pracownia Badań Praw Orientalnych, Katedra Doktryn Politycznych i Prawnych Wydziału Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego & Authors}, address={Wrocław}, howpublished={online}, year={2019}, publisher={Wydział Prawa, Administracji i Ekonomii Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego}, language={eng}, language={pol}, abstract={30 years ago, on 23th December 1988, the PRL parliament passed the most liberal statute during communism time, the act on economic activity, commonly known as the Wilczek Act. It was written only on 5 pages, had 54 articles and contained only 11 concessions. It introduced exceptional, even for the present times, principles of starting and running a business on an equal footing (Article 1 of the Act) and the principle that what is not a prohibited law is allowed (Article 4 of the Act). The Act had essentially two objectives. Firstly it was to eliminate the absurdities and wastes of the socialist economy, and secondly to facilitate the process of adapting the communists elites to the future conditions of existence in capitalist reality. In the introduction of the paper, I discuss the purpose and ideas behind the so-called “Wilczek’s Act.” Then I go through to discuss its individual provisions. Subsequently, I analyse its political and economic effects. In the summary I make final evaluation of the act and to assess whether it would be possible to implement it nowadays}, title={Skutki prawne i ekonomiczne tzw. ustawy Wilczka w trzydziestolecie jej uchwalenia}, keywords={economic activity, entrepreneurship, economic effects, economic reforms, statute – entrepreneurs’ right}, }